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Best/Worst Season Records

Most Wins | Most Losses | Fewest Wins | Fewest Losses | Best Win % | Worst Win %

Most Wins

Season Wins Losses Win %
2000 66 8 89.19%
2023 61 1 98.39%
2017 61 9 87.14%
2024 59 7 89.39%
2022 59 3 95.16%
1994 58 15 79.45%
2019 57 6 90.48%
2018 57 5 91.94%
2016 57 8 87.69%
2013 57 4 93.44%
2021 56 4 93.33%
2007 55 8 87.30%
1997 55 19 74.32%
2012 54 10 84.38%
2014 51 13 79.69%
2005 50 17 74.63%
2001 50 9 84.75%
1996 50 20 71.43%
2015 49 9 84.48%
2002 49 16 75.38%
1998 49 15 76.56%
2010 47 12 79.66%
2008 47 14 77.05%
2003 47 14 77.05%
2004 ** 45 22 66.91%
2011 43 19 69.35%
1995 43 23 65.15%
2009 41 16 71.93%
2006 ** 40 21 65.32%
1999 40 16 71.43%
1992 40 26 60.61%
* NCAA record
** Includes at least one tie


  • This does not include the 1980, 1981, or 1982 seasons where a fall schedule was played in addition to the regular spring schedule.