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Batting Average ▪ Career

Minimum 200 at bats

  Player Seasons Average Hits At Bats
1. Jocelyn Alo 2018-22 0.445 343 771
2. Jayda Coleman 2021-24 0.415 279 673
3. Tiare Jennings 2021-24 0.412 314 762
4. Rylie Boone 2020-24 0.407 201 494
5. Norrelle Dickson 2004-07 0.402 328 816
6. Shelby Pendley 2013-15 0.401 210 524
7. Lauren Chamberlain 2012-15 0.395 240 607
8. Alyssa Brito 2022-24 0.395 197 499
9. Kinzie Hansen 2020-24 0.391 262 671
10. Sydney Romero 2016-19 0.375 320 853
11. Becky Burroughs 1993-94 0.369 140 379
12. Kady Self 2013-16 0.369 147 398
13. Amber Flores 2007-10 0.369 239 649
14. Kristin Vesely 2003-06 0.367 293 798
15. Lisa Carey 1998-01 0.364 289 794
16. Samantha Ricketts 2006-09 0.362 249 688
17. Nicole Mendes 2017-21 0.360 224 622
  Shay Knighten 2016-19 0.360 247 686
19. Paige Parker 2015-18 0.355 71 200
20. Erin Miller 2013-16 0.354 182 514
21. Grace Lyons 2019-23 0.354 245 692
22. Christy Ring 1999-02 0.351 276 786


  • Average is sorted and ranked by five digits.