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1898 Football Season

2-0 Overall ▪ Vernon Parrington


Date   Opponent PF PA Att OU: Rec   QB Opp: Rec   Conf Coach Season
11/4 A Arkansas City Town Team W 5 0 N/A 0-0 N/A N/A -- N/A Ind
11/24 H Fort Worth W 24 0 N/A 1-0 N/A N/A -- N/A N/A
Totals 29 0 N/A 0-0
Averages 15 0 N/A 0%
Highs 24 0 N/A
Lows 5 0 N/A


  • Starting QB research prior to the 2000s required some best guesses based on available win-loss data and/or newspaper game summaries (and some help from Ray Dozier of The Oklahoma Football Encyclopedia). Some of which conflicts with totals published by the university. If you have proof of a different starter, or starters before 1920, please contact me.
  • The 2016 Houston game notes stated that the Arkansas City (KS) game was played in Oklahoma City (neutral). In "Oklahoma Kickoff" by Harold Keith, the game is described as being played in Kansas ("...the first time a university team ever traveled outside the territory to play.").