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Assists ▪ Career

Sort by: Assists

  Player Seasons Games Assists Average
1. Stacey Dales 1998-02 132 764 5.79
2. Sharee Mitchum 1992-95 116 601 5.18
3. Danielle Robinson 2008-11 141 726 5.15
4. Dionnah Jackson 2002-05 131 606 4.63
5. Nevaeh Tot 2021-25 146 559 3.83
6. Morgan Hook 2011-14 137 507 3.70
7. Angie Alexander 1989-92 113 367 3.25


  • Minimum 275 for assists, 60 games and 3.00 for average.
  • Active players listed in bold.
  • Ties go to the best average and then the most recent occurrence.