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Earned Run Average ▪ Career

Minimum 150 innings

  Player Seasons ERA IP
1. Kerri Mulry 1986 0.56 176.1
2. Jordyn Bahl 2022-23 0.99 289.2
3. Paige Lowary 2017-18 1.35 243.2
4. Paige Parker 2015-18 1.41 867.1
5. Shannon Saile 2019-21 1.49 249.0
6. Mariah Lopez 2017-19 1.61 295.0
7. Nicole May 2021-24 1.70 354.2
8. Giselle Juarez 2019-21 1.74 321.0
9. Lauren Eckermann 2007-08 1.79 387.2


  • ERA is sorted and ranked by four digits.